Thursday, September 27, 2012


What a blessing to speak at MUMS today!

Topic: How to get your man to lead

A: You don’t. Instead: Rest Easy. Be encouraged & empowered that the Lord can, will and wants to have your man lead. Rest Easy in Him.
I would suggest to you that the key to getting your man to lead has a lot less to do with him, and a lot to do with you and even more to do with the Spirit of God – working through your spouse and through you.
No matter the situation – Rest Easy. God is really in control.

Tips from my heart

Be humble
Consider: “I THINK this is how my husband should lead, but I RECOGNIZE God knows EXACTLY how my husband should lead.”

Jer. 9:24
Ps. 25:9
Ps. 18:27
Prov. 11:2

Be clear
Be clear, get to the root of the issue, do not nag. Communicate.

Prov. 14:12
Prov. 26:24
Prov. 25:24

Be gentle

Prov. 15:1
James 3:17

Be strong in the Lord
In the Lord, not in yourself. Let the Spirit be the Spirit. Be empowered in Him alone.

Joshua 1:9
Is. 41:10
Prov. 14:1

Be in fellowship
Don't be in bad fellowship. Be in fruitful fellowship.

Gal. 5:13
Phil. 4:8

Be obedient.
Gal. 5:6b
For in Christ Jesus…The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.